Best Overnight Bags
If you have ever had a bag come apart at the seams at the most inopportune moment or had to have your bag checked in only to come up lost by the airlines you would have realized that all bags are not created equal. The best overnight bags are influenced by a few things such as cost, what you plan to use it for and some other factors. That said best overnight bags do have a few things in common and we will look at these in the next few paragraphs.

Durability tops my list when it comes to the best overnight bags because just like most consumers I am always budget conscious. I do not mind spending a little more to get a product that I know will stand the test of time. The durability of the bag will be influenced by the type of materials that it is made of. Materials like leather, ballistic nylon and canvas are among the more durable options.
Give careful consideration to the construction of the bag also since this can also determine whether your bag will last or not. Your bag should include sturdy zippers that won't rip when the bag is stuffed, the handles should be securely attached with rivets and double seams and the seams of the bag itself should be properly reinforced.
Another important feature of best overnight bags, mobility depends on where you will be going with the bag. If you are travelling on an airline you might need an extendable bag with wheels for maneuvering your way around large airports. Long road trips might call for the presence of a durable strap and material that can withstand constant motion. Like I said mobility depends on your needs so take your plans into consideration before you purchase.
Size and Shape
The size and shape of your overnight bag may not be a big factor unless you plan to travel via air. Remember that most airlines only allow a carry-on of up to 21 inches so unless you want to have your bag checked keep it under the recommended size.
If you do not plan to use it for air travel then you can choose a size that is in keeping with your needs. Although you might want a bag that is large enough to fit your necessities for an overnight trip it should not be too bulky that you have difficulty carrying it around.
With regards to shape the choice is yours. Traditional luggage shaped bags are the more popular alternative but you can also go for a duffel shaped bag.
Varied Compartments
The best overnight bags are the ones where multiple compartments are included so that you can properly store your clothing, toiletries, makeup etc. This is especially important if you will not unpack your belongings when you get to your final destination. Living out of your bag calls for these compartments since they will help you to keep organized during your stay.
Although not as important as other features the best overnight bags are waterproof. If your overnight bag is not waterproof and you encounter a lot of rain on your journey you can be certain that you belongings will be soaked through. Leather is a waterproof material and so is ballistic nylon. Other materials like canvas and nylon should be suitably lined to make them waterproof.